Publications and preprints

In preparation

  1. On the computation of recurrence coefficients for multivariate orthogonal polynomials (with A.Narayan).
  2. Numerical Approximation of Fractional Powers of Elliptic Operators with Kato’s formula (with A.Narayan).
  3. UncertainSCI: a Python-based toolkit that harnesses modern techniques to estimate model and parametric uncertainty (with A.Narayan and Jess D Tate).


  1. On the computation of recurrence coefficients for univariate orthogonal polynomials, Z.Liu, A.Narayan (2021). (arXiv:2101.11963v2 [math.NA])


  1. Using UncertainSCI to Quantify Uncertainty in Cardiac Simulations, Lindsay C Rupp, Zexin Liu, Jake A Bergquist, Sumientra Rampersad, Dan White, Jess D Tate, Dana H Brooks, Akil Narayan and Rob S MacLeod, Computing in Cardiology Conference (2020). (DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2020.275)